This is the meeting of the International Reformed-Anglican Dialogue. We are meeting this week in Clare College, Cambridge. It’s very international – India, Malawi, South Africa, Japan. Those who hope to see a deep connection between the SEC and the Church of Scotland will be glad to see Rev Prof. Iain Torrance on my right. Those who gather up Irish connections will see Rev Helene Steed of the Church of Ireland, about to become Rector of St Mark’s, Dundela, in East Belfast. I’m serving as the Anglican Co-Chair in partnership with Rev Elizabeth Welch of the URC
Since we are a meeting of the World Communion of Reformed Churches with the Anglican Communion, we are inevitably and properly talking about what it means to be a Communion – exploring what it means to say that God forms us for relationship and looking at the practical realities like the limits of diversity and how they are managed.
I enjoy this stuff – and I am very stretched by it. But it lifts my thinking above the day to day realities of Anglican Communion life!