
Kindling gets a mention in the Prayer of Thanksgiving in our 1982 Eucharist – and not a bad thing in Pentecost as well.

So we had a morning with clergy colleagues in Perth Presbytery looking at how we experience ministry, stress and all the rest. I think that all this is really about what it takes to keep vocation alive, responsive and dynamic. It’s a rekindling operation. I’ve seen too much of what happens when the fires go out. There’s sadness and tiredness. Sometimes people just give up. And sometimes they become difficult.

But this was one of those events which was almost more important just because it happened. I’m afraid that my hopes for institutional ecumenism are not high. But this kind of thing – small scale and fairly flimsy bits of infrastructure designed to help us meet a common need – I think that’s where the future lies. Relationships with the Presbytery are warm and there is much mutual respect. I think we can find a way forward together ..

One comment

  1. It was good to learn that Bishop David was in good health and off to enjoy some rest and relaxation. We don’t hear much on the edge of the diocese. Thank-you for your continuing blogs. They encourage me in their sheer humanity for I sense the shared struggle in the words and thoughts that resonate with me. There is much rekindling needed in the hearts of many in our congregations too and perhaps the ‘flimsy’ contributions which lay people are allowed to make there are more vital that we realise. I hope so. I will keep pegging away but I can’t promise not to be difficult!

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