So the week winds on – from the Clergy Retreat to the extraordinary Dinner at Holyrood and now to the Class Reunion in Quebec. I suppose that the difference from former times is that the technology makes it possible for all the e mail and everything else just to keep on going.
This is the Cathedral just across the road from where we are staying
Class of 2009?
TEC has set up a College for Bishops and makes it a canonical requirement for all new bishops to take part. The Canadian church also sends its bishops and I went with Bishop Trevor Williams of the Church of Ireland. They call it the Living our Vows programme
In that wonderful American way, it acquires a strap line which is ‘Building Collegiality through Learning Together’. So it seemed to me to be about creating shared learning experience so that the differences and tensions might find a proportion in which they could be handled in personal relationship and shared discipleship.
Over a three year programme – and the quality was outstanding – you become part of a close knit group. And I’m part of it and not a visiting observer. And the fact that in this context I embody the shade of Seabury makes it more so.
So here we are. It would have been easy to persuade myself that it was ‘one too many’