I carry from childhood a memory of an energetic conversation between my father and my grandfather about the number of gears his car had. Grandfather said three – my father said four. ‘But’ said my grandfather in his defence, ‘gear changing to me is as natural as breathing’. Which is why it is good for me to do as I did this evening – enjoy the company of the members of our Ministry Reflection Group thinking together about communication, what is it and what it is for. As I ponder Crieff’s 20th Anniversary Service on Sunday, a Thought for the Day on Tuesday, a Probus Group and the PACT Carols in the Concert Hall next week – all requiring words, words … what is it that we are trying to do. With unerring aim, they had it sorted – if I heard them correctly. Can’t communicate in the name of Christ if you are not in communication with God. Like: Can’t live with others unless you can live with yourself. Thanks