Another ‘it’s tough but somebody has to do it’ day as we headed off across Fife to the East Neuk in the early morning sunshine to join the members of our congregations in Elie and Pittenweem. These are beautiful little villages beside the sea and they have small and faithful congregations. As so often in the SEC, these congregations are full of fascinating people.
In Elie, we found Rev Professor Stuart Hall totally absorbed in the organ voluntary. In Pittenweem, the organist is Ursula who designed the two new windows which were dedicated shortly after I arrived.
And then on to a magnificent service in the Cathedral for the Ordination of Christine Barclay and the installation of our new Dean, Kenny Rathband, and three Canons, Jonathan Mason, Shirley Lobley and Alison Peden. I feel that I have to quote the names in full because I risked a fairly complicated piece of welcoming at the beginning without a script in my hand .. and shouldn’t have. All right to do a David Cameron for sermons but lists are different!
Sandy – 1 Peter 4:17 ‘Judgement begins at the house of God’
I am sure that even Bishops are truly forgiven amongst us all, mere mortals.