Downloading my life

This is absurd.  The IT angst continues.  For a person who is supposed to live in the ‘in between time’, I feel absurdly dependent on getting my past back.  I have all the E Mails back and the other stuff is coming.  The computer is at present working through a 33 hour download.  It arrives in 7-Zip compressed files which seem to need a crowbar to get them open.  But how unsettling it all is.  Dependency.  That’s what it is.


  1. Erk. What’s that, about 6Gb download? Just think how long the machine will take trying to decompress it all!

    Good luck 🙂

  2. So if you already have the e-mails, does that mean that it is taking 33 hours to re-deliver all your past sermons even electronically?!

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