One sows and another reaps?

I found myself today face to face with the appeal literature for the building of the new Parish Centre back in Northern Ireland. The design was worked out in the last two years of my time there. I still think it will be an impressive building which will lift parish life onto a whole new level. But it took a bit of persuading for some people to make the move from seeing the building as a social and recreational space located at the edge of the site to seeing it as a mission-shaped building linked to the church. So my thoughts are with Terence, my successor, and the parishioners as they set about raising £1,355,900. But then I do have one or two challenges of my own around here.

On a more mundane level, I note that Seagoe Parish Church is still using the same font as in my time – Comic Sans 11 pt – really time to move on to something more protestant like Geneva.


  1. David the church has now upgraded itself a bit in the communication side of things. It has now just a complete announcment sheet without the readings as there has been new pew bibles placed in the church. Plus the 21st century modifications is slowly being dragged in by having a powerpoint screen and now the new sound system also.

    Blessings. Neil

  2. No it’s always Comic Sans 11pt for me. That’s what the Ten Commandments were written in when Moses got them on the mountain. The King James Bible also. Good enough for them – good enough for me. It’s slightly-rounded and asymmetrical style reveals me to be a deeply caring person with a creative approach to life.

  3. As soon as I read “font” I thought of the water-filled stone ones found in naves near church doors. 😉 I’m such a church geek! I couldn’t see how it was surprising they were still using the same baptismal font. Then I finished reading the sentance.

    (Hum, how does one get baptized in Comic Sans 11pt? Geneva I can see possible, since it is a city in Switzerland, but Comic Sans 11pt seems a little hard to pull off.)

    Type font-wise, I’m partial to Arial, Papyrus, and Monotype Corsiva myself.

  4. Good to hear from you Iris – I was afraid you’d tip-toed out of the blogosphere. Well yes … I remember many happy hours spent working out the plans! And it will be a great building when it’s done.

  5. David if had not been for all the hours of agonising discussion and painful discisions you were involved with when you were with us we would not have got to this moment. We owe you a great debt of gratitude. God Bless you all this Easter. Iris

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