22nd January – the worst day of the year, calculates Dr Cliff Arnall. It’s apparently a combination of six factors – weather, debt, time since Christmas, time until pay day, low motivation and failure to keep New Year resolutions. I’m tempted to say that I can’t even summon up the energy to comment on that. Weather-wise, today was wonderful – bright, clear and bitingly cold. In kingdom-building terms, it had some things that were really encouraging and others that made me want to bang my head on the wall. We’re putting the replacement computers into the office tomorrow evening – tried to buy WiFi dongles from PC World this afternoon but they had run out of them. Rather as if the church ran out of hymns. And our broadband is being intermittent – as it has been for the last week. Now that really deserves a place on Dr Arnall’s index. How do I cope when the little green lights flash together rather than separately?